
What to do with your fireplace?

What to do with your fireplace if it doesn't work or you don't use it? Here are some ideas:
1. Fill it with wood - provides nice texture and a rustic vibe.

2. Fill it with books -  You can use books you already have, or buy some at a used bookstore. You can arrange them any which way so you get a perfect fit. You could also arrange them by color, or face them so the spines are facing into the fireplace, so all you see are the pages, to create a more monochromatic look. 

3. Fill it with decorative items - Select items that are different sizes, but that fill the space.

4.Wallpaper - Sometimes wallpaper seems too scary, like a very permanent item, so if you have had your eye on a fun wallpaper, but don't want to commit to an entire wall/room, this could be the perfect spot for it.

5. Insert a TV - What a great use of space and you don't have to crane your neck to watch TV (sometimes people put their TV's too high above a fireplace). Just make sure your sofa/chairs are low enough so you don't have the reverse problem.

6. Put a mirror in front - like using mirrors with most things, it makes the space feel bigger. 

7. Cover it with Art - yet another place to add artwork.

8. Put in Glass Logs - looks beautiful and is very unexpected!
Would you do any of these things to your fireplace?

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